Logistics base, Italy

How to manage acoustics in a logistics base
The management of acoustics in a logistics base and in all large spaces, such as industrial areas, is difficult, as it requires the installation of panels with excellent technical performance.
The noise from the operation and movement of machinery and the constant coming and going of incoming and outgoing goods, the reverberation and echo from the voices of the workers that echo in a huge space must meet a surface capable of capturing them and reducing their intensity in order to be able, in this way, to talk about acoustic comfort.
An example of how the issue of acoustics in a logistics base can be found in the intervention carried out in a structure dedicated to the storage and distribution of goods, in the province of Pescara.
The design needs, such as the large sizes to be covered, the architectural style, the sound frequencies to be absorbed and the reverberation to be reduced, led to the application of JustFiber panels in recycled and recyclable polyester fiber, a simple and economical product with remarkable technical qualities.
The hexagonal-shaped panels were suspended from the ceiling, as if to create a sort of false ceiling capable of absorbing and muffling all the sound reflections and noises coming from the various work machinery and the various storage activities.
The choice fell on the JustFiber panels indicated mainly for large volumes, where it is necessary to install a large amount of cheap acoustic material with remarkable acoustic performances.
In fact, JustFiber panels are made of polyester fiber and have a semi-rigid structure with a thickness of 40 mm which allows the sound frequencies to be better absorbed, thus reducing reverberation in the rooms.
In the Pescara logistics base, the white and hexagonal-shaped panels covered an entire nave giving an original aesthetic impression to the space and representing an important example of how to improve the acoustics in logistics centers.
For more information you can contact us via the contact form or by clicking on the pages of the following products:
– JustFiber, acoustic panels in polyester fiber of Acoustic Lab.
Year: 2022
Location: Pescara, Italy
Product: JustFiber
Brand: Acoustic Lab