Gonzo Bitter Bar, Zaragoza

How to reduce excessive echo in a restaurant
The Gonzo Bitter Bar in Zaragoza is a very popular restaurant for all lovers of good Italian cuisine. An environment with a refined design offers its customers not only a quality card, but also an elegant and high-profile atmosphere.
It consists of an outdoor terrace, a large indoor room and an additional small room also used to host receptions and events with short video projections.
In this room there was a problem of excessive reverberation, which had to be solved. The reverberation was caused by the presence of a glass ceiling that facilitated the reflection of sound waves, and by the characteristics of the room which, being small, rectangular in shape and bordering the open central hall, collected all the voices and noises coming from the latter.
It was also necessary for the environment to be acoustically correct for any presentations and receptions, given the presence of audio and video equipment intended for visual projection and sound diffusion.
The theme of an excessive echo in the restaurant is very widespread precisely because in the design of public places one of the main objectives is the achievement of a good degree of environmental comfort, which obviously includes the achievement of the acoustic one.
The latter can only be reached after an adequate study of the space, the materials of the surfaces and the sound waves involved, only in this way it is possible to identify the best intervention to implement.
This design process, in fact, was also followed for the internal room of the Gonzo Bitter Bar, the result of which led to the “recessed” installation of the GoodVibes sound-absorbing panels by Acoustic Lab, which thus took on the appearance of a second skin of the surfaces.
It was therefore possible to drastically reduce the echo in the restaurant with the application of GoodVibes acoustic panels characterized by a high sound-absorbing power (absorption class A) and an elegant appearance due to the refined finishes of the fabrics, all rigorously Made in Italy.
For more information you can contact us via the contact form or by clicking on the pages of the following product:
– GoodVibes, sound-absorbing panels by Acoustic Lab;
Year: 2021
Location: Gonzo Bitter Bar Restaurant, Zaragoza, Spain
Products: GoodVibes
Brand: Acoustic Lab