Acoustics in Call Centers

Case Study: Acoustics in Call Centers and the use of soundproofing panels
When faced with a large-scale project, such as the acoustic treatment of a very large call center, it is important to quickly identify the main objectives and determine the desired result.
In the case of this acoustic installation project, we had to fit out a space of around 600 workstations, spread over three floors, all dedicated to the telephone attention of the customer service of a multinational.
The large number of workstations on the one hand and the total surface area on the other hand required an efficient solution at a contained price, but at the same time demanded a high quality acoustic result, with a significant reduction in reverberation time within the open space dedicated to Customer Service activities. The EasyFiber soundproofing panels were the ideal instrument for this acoustic conditioning.
It should in fact be considered that the operators present are working simultaneously on the telephone, throughout the working day. Under these conditions, it is essential to intervene to reduce the echo, in order to control the ambient noise in the call center so that the interlocutor on the telephone better understands the call center operator, who in turn will speak less loudly, with less stress and therefore less fatigue.
We can thus determine the main criteria to be taken into account for a successful installation: the ergonomics of the offices is of course a central issue, the arrangement of the workstations having to be optimized, for example by using all the available space in order to insert soundproofing panels as separator between the different workstations.
The issue of the sound level raised in the call center is at the heart of our acoustic treatment projects. In order to protect operators from excessive exposure to ambient noise, which generates tension, stress and significantly increases the feeling of fatigue, the noise level should be limited to 45 decibels. In this way, the employer ensures the improvement of the working conditions of the employees and therefore significantly increases the performance and productivity of his team. This aspect has been extensively documented in numerous studies in recent years. Finally, a thoughtful layout of the offices, which promotes easy movement and which distributes people as well as possible in the space, also contributes to improving well-being at work.
We therefore used the hexagonal EasyFiber soundproofing panels, applied on the walls and on the ceiling, with finishes in different colors in order to differentiate and characterize each space according to the different activities of the call center.
The material of the EasyFiber soundproofing panels, made entirely of thermo-bonded polyester fiber, without any rigid element inside the panel, offers a very high sound absorption performance (class 1).
As for the aesthetic aspect of the panels, the woolen covering with felted effect guarantees a timeless aesthetic result, at the same time minimalist and elegant, modern and discreet, which can be combined to infinity thanks to the modular concept of the EasyFiber soundproofing panels range.
For more information on EasyFiber soundproofing panels, see the EasyFiber panels page here or contact us via the contact form.
Year: 2021
Location: Madrid, Spain
Product: EasyFiber
Brand: Acoustic Lab